Machu Picchu: Wonder of the World

Traveller Experience
5 min readApr 23, 2024


Machu Picchu really is a unique piece of archaeological cocktail, celebrated by many for its historic and cultural values. It hardly comes as a surprise that it is considered by many to be among the greatest and most renowned attractions on the planet. One of the most respected as a new Seven wonders of the World, the breath-taking citadel that can be found at the centre of Peru, welcomes people from all around the globe every year.

The 15th-century Machu Picchu, a monument of the impressive Inca Empire, is found on top of a ridgeline be­tween the serpentine Amazon and Urubamba rivers with the slopes and green hills enenclosing it. The whole site presented a picture of mixed buildings including mainly temples, palaces, terraces, and all other architectural wonders.

Among the most visible features of Inca genius and skill in Machu Picchu architecture are just a few of the examples that prove that. Chosen is the granite. It is made of centuries-lasting stones whose pieces interlock without the intervention of cement. Moreover, drainage works could be considered as a unique element attesting advanced skills in civil engineering that are still efficient nowadays.

Machu Picchu Temple

What the exact role of the Machu Picchu was is still shrouded in mystery, although now it is commonly believed that it was a major spiritual and political center of a religious and political life with such important ceremonies and rituals as infrequent as they were at Machu Picchu. Its in-all-form structure gives not only a prestige to ancient engineers but also a proof of time-defiance with their resistance as long as a time. Machu Picchu is not less than a crucial piece of this country’s long lasting cultural patrimony, a total must for every visitor to see. In a short amount of time, this marvel has received the designation of one of the New Wonders of the World and, tucked away in the vast expanses of the jungle, presents itself with the kind of mystery and attraction that no one has ever seen. Its mysterious charm holds within itself the promise of urging one and all approaching with reverence, to find solace and renewal, which underlines its significance in the Peruvian history and culture.

The New Seven Wonders of the World

The quest to secure a place among the Seven Wonders of the World commenced in the year 2000, marked by an international competition. Facilitated by the Swiss-based New7Wonders Foundation, the endeavor sought to identify the most remarkable monuments from a vast array of over 200 nominated sites. This competition extended an invitation to the global public, empowering them to cast their votes in favor of the monuments they deemed most deserving from the nominated roster. Following a dedicated voting phase, the top seven sites emerged triumphant, earning the esteemed title of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

During this mission, there were no boundaries between what reflected their national identity and what represented their unity, as their sole interest was to secure a place in the list of the Seven Wonders of the World. Tha was also given a special occasion to adore and pay tribute to the world’s most renowned landmarks as well the immortal value they hold in their accomplishment of the human history as a whole. Furthermore, contention was a catalyst to international exchange and discussion, prompting people from many ethnicities to interact through debating the strengths and weaknesses of each recommended place. In a notable expression of the very diversity that informed monuments spanning the world and cultures,we saw numerous nominations.

The competition was a real winner with a corresponding rally recorded after it was held, the number of voters almost tripled, a whooping 100 million votes were cast by individuals belonging to 10 different countries and just under 200 nations all. This record setting volunteer contribution helped the poll to become a positively public approval rating. From a pool of nominees, and as the voting intensified, the 7 out of the lot with the highest votes were eventually crowned, each earning one of the new 7 wonders of the world titles. These monuments — great wall of China, the Taj Mahal and India, the colosseum in Rome, the Elysian Tower in Paris, the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, the Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil, and Machu Picchu in Peru- are embodiment of human virtues, which are eternally marked and retained forever in history.

The Importance of Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu holds profound significance as an archaeological marvel, offering invaluable glimpses into the vibrant tapestry of the Inca Empire’s culture and society. Within its bounds lie a myriad of architectural wonders, comprising temples, palaces, terraces, and an intricately engineered irrigation network. Moreover, the site yields a treasure trove of artifacts ranging from pottery and tools to exquisite jewelry, each artifact serving as a poignant testament to the daily lives and customs of Machu Picchu’s erstwhile inhabitants. These artifacts serve as invaluable windows into the past, illuminating the societal structures, religious practices, and technological advancements of this ancient civilization.

Machu Picchu from Cusco

This place, inhabiting the status of the insuperable spirit of the Inca Empire, still gives the reminder about greatness and glory of the Empire and the magnificent impact it had in the area. The structures are not only an expression of the bond between the community and the Andes Mountains, but also a tangible representation of the geographical features that have profoundly imprinted themselves on the historical fabric of the area. Machu Picchu, besides being a national fame for its historical value and now an innovative symbol of global importance.

Being a symbol of mankind’s appreciation for the antiquity, Machu Picchu is a highly valued and a world-attracting place, with over 1.4 millions of tourists going there yearly in order to see the Incan city. Therefore, it is undisputedly the headliner of Peru popular programs. Peruvians and people from their neighborhood countries make up to the greatest part of visitors while the US, Europe, and Asia tourism gives the significant numbers to overall robust tourism figures at the site.

Throngs of tourists descend upon this place from multiple recesses of the earth fulfilling their quest to experience the ephemeral magnificence and somewhat elusive nature of Machu Picchu. The site can definitely call forth those who adore hiking or adventure holidays following the paths of the Inca Trail Tours and other routes around. Machu Picchu has got the unique attraction that no place does match its appeal and mysticism in the entire world. Its allure has continued to captivate the hearts and imaginations of the travelers on planet earth with no stoppage to its popularity.

